Fourier Series

The purpose of this applet is to demonstrate how different types of waveforms can be generated by adding up weighted sinusoidal waveforms and their harmonics. Use the scroll bars to set the values of the sinusoidal waves and their harmonics. It is possible to introduce a DC offset and to scale the output waveform using the options given. The output can also be full wave or half wave rectified if desired. To see a demonstration of some common waveforms select one of the check boxes in the applet. Note that all coefficient values and the DC offset have a range of -1.0 to 1.0. The scale ranges from 0 to 40.
The explanation below demonstrates how the values used in the applet correspond to the Fourier series representation of waveforms with coefficients in rectangular form.

This document was created in the fall of 1998 by William S. Brinson as part of his senior thesis titled Develop Java Applets to Assist in Education. The java programs belong to William S. Brinson and were not modified.
The HTML document was modified on September 18, 2001 by Brent Petersen
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