Time Domain Reflectometer - Lumped Load

The purpose of this applet is to demonstrate the waveform shown by a time domain reflectometer with a lumped load made of series and parallel circuits with a resistor, capacitor or inductor. This applet demonstrates time domain reflectometry using a lossless transmission line. The voltage V(t) in the diagram is plotted. Set the load ZL using the parameters in the scroll bars. A circuit box must be pressed after values are entered. The values are:
RL = load resistance
CL = load capacitance
LL = load inductance

Choose one of the circuit boxes for the load type you wish to plot. The symbol '||' represents a parallel circuit whereas '+' represents a series combination of the load elements. Try using the time constant displayed to set appropriate scroll bar values. he LL and CL buttons will not work if those values are set to zero. Note that all values are comprised of a mantissa (0 to 9.99 range) multiplied by a power of ten exponent (-20 to 20 range).

Propagation time (Tp) represents the time required for the energy to travel through the transmission line, to the load and back again.

This document was created in the fall of 1998 by William S. Brinson as part of his senior thesis titled Develop Java Applets to Assist in Education. The java programs belong to William S. Brinson and were not modified.
The HTML document was modified on September 18, 2001 by Brent Petersen.

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