UNB Blockchain Interim Committee Meeting


UNB Blockchain Committee

University of New Brunswick

Date:  Thursday, October 18th, 2018

 6:30 p.m. Start
 8:00 p.m. Adjourn

Place: Tilley Hall Room 104
       University of New Brunswick

Work is being put in at UNB to create a Private Blockchain network similar to Ethereum that students and staff can use as a testbed and a learning experience. There was a meeting held September 18th with Eddy Campbell, Luigi Benedicenti, and Terry Nikkel where it was proposed that UNB assemble a Committee to discuss the viability and implementation of its own private blockchain network. We are waiting to hear the results of this meeting and in the meantime we were tasked to start generating a list of those who would be members of this committee and to start thinking of some use cases the network could be used for. On October 18th in Tilley Hall room 104 the first meeting of the Interim Committee will be held free for all those who would like to attend.

If you have any questions feel free to email Matthew Sampson and join the slack at https://unbblockchain.slack.com.

Consider an RSVP to msampson@unb.ca to monitor room occupancy.

This web page is at http://www.ece.unb.ca/petersen/notices/Bl18/