Brent Petersen - Biographical Details


During the years of my undergraduate studies at Carleton University, I worked at Cybernex, Northern Telecom, Bell Northern Research, and the Defense Research Establishment Ottawa, in the areas of software development, automatic testing of VLSI circuits, scan testing, and navigation aids, respectively. I graduated with the B.Eng. in 1985. My masters work at the University of Waterloo was in the area of computer-aided design of integrated circuits, specifically a synthesis tool for converting pseudo-Pascal into CIF layouts; I graduated with the M.A.Sc. in 1987. My doctoral work at Carleton University consisted of three parts, the analysis of equalizers in cyclostationary interference, and the applications of that analysis to subscriber-line and wireless applications. I received the Ph.D. in 1992.

Following university, I held a post doctoral fellowship at the IBM Zurich Research Laboratory where my main responsibility was research in wireless communication. The majority of my work included participation in an EC-funded RACE project called CODIT. The goal of CODIT was to design and prototype a spread spectrum system for commercial applications.

From 1994 to 1997, I was with the University of Calgary and TRLabs, where my research interests were on methods of suppressing interference in wireless applications.

Finally, in 1997, I joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, at the University of New Brunswick where my research interest is in optical and wireless communications and my teaching is in computer networking and electromagnetics.

Selected Awards

Personal Interests

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This page was updated on November 14, 2021 by Brent Petersen.
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