
Alexander Gordon Bruce Colpitts, "Rural MIMO fixed-wireless channel capacity optimization," Master's thesis, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of New Brunswick, (Fredericton, NB, Canada), Sept. 2020.


Antenna separation has traditionally been investigated in the context of carrier wavelengths. This thesis demonstrates that spacing antennas on the order of symbol wavelengths, where a symbol wavelength is defined as the speed of light over the symbol rate, can provide significant rank and capacity improvements. The bandwidth-separation factor is introduced as a method of describing the interoperability of antenna separation and symbol rate. The bandwidth-separation factor and symbol wavelength antenna placement optimization are demonstrated through electromagnetic simulation and channel measurements. SWAP (symbol wavelength antenna placement) capacity optimization is also shown to be independent of carrier frequency. Finally, the application of SWAP optimization to LTE is demonstrated with favorable results.

Acknowledgements of Funding

This work was supported by


UNB Scholar

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