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UAV for Forest Fire Management
Multi-Rotor Rotorcraft
Intelligent Transportation Systems
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Autonomous Mobile Robot
Industrial Overhead Cranes
Parking System Using FPGA
Artificial Neural Networks
Perception Models for Robots
Multiple UAVs and UGVs
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Nuclear Inspection
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Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Forest Fire Detection and Management

Unmanned systems can improve performance, save cost, and reduce risks. By 2020, the global unmanned systems market will reach 105 billion dollars. Canada is the 5th largest Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) producer. Currently, it costs about \$1,500 to \$2,000 per hour to operate a manned helicopter for emergency response. UAVs can be used in hazardous environments to replace manned aircrafts. Both the risks and the operating cost can be dramatically reduced. UAVs can be used for search and rescue, oil and gas security, fire detection and management, pollution management, land mapping, endangered species protection, law enforcement, burned area assessment, and so on. UAVs have gathered a wealth of interest for the potential advantages in information gathering for forest fires. Fire-fighters are deployed into the wilderness to combat the flames. These men and women risk their health and lives in the line of duty. UAVs can reduce the risks with lower costs. Real-time data collected by UAVs could dramatically impact the modeling and analysis of critical, episodic, rapidly evolving, and localized environmental phenomena of forest fires. The UNB research team will investigate innovative and intelligent algorithms for navigation control, collision avoidance, sensor fusion, and data analysis. At the scene of a forest fire, timely information is critical for managing forest fires. In order to avoid greater catastrophes, we will investigate new technologies to rapidly gather information to contain forest fires.

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